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导读 blessed 或 blest, blessing 祝福;祈祷Bless this house! 愿上帝保佑这个家!Well, bless my soul! 好啦,谢天谢地!Bless me...

blessed 或 blest, blessing 祝福;祈祷Bless this house! 愿上帝保佑这个家!Well, bless my soul! 好啦,谢天谢地!Bless me!哎呀!;我的天哪!使化为神圣The priest blessed the bread and wine. 神父祝福面包和酒。

颂扬Bless the name of the lord! 颂扬上帝之名!You are certainly blessed with a glib tongue.你倒真会说话!。
