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positively correlated(positively)

导读 Recently ,the importance of attitude has been brought into discussion .Faced with difficulties ,some people usually...

Recently ,the importance of attitude has been brought into discussion .Faced with difficulties ,some people usually think positively ,while some do not .It is true that this is their own business and it is affected by many factors ,but one vital point is that we can benefit from our attitude if we always think positively .It is constantly happened that positive people can solve the same problem better and faster and they have a good chance of having a better relationship with others .What’s more ,thinking positively can become a habit .First of all ,we must have a great will to change our attitude .We’d better forget the negative past and remind ourselves of being positive. Always remember ,every little helps .Secondly ,we should start to make friends with positive people and learn from them .Let their positive attitude affect you .Tell them that you like them ,and you want to be a positive person just like them . Ask them to do you a favor .However ,the attitude cannot help you cope with everything .Keep in mind to practice the capability of many aspects. Try to solve the problem better.In short ,compared with negative attitude ,thinking positively can help us in our career and daily life .Personally ,I prefer to train myself to be positive ,。
